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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The incumbent team of Houser, Taylor, and Adorno are running for re-election and WE MUST WATCH OUT for their lies and deception!

It’s so bad that the Asbury Park Press WARNED on 4/26/06 that, “The three board members’ ethics are in doubt. Voters should closely watch their actions on the board and keep their last-minute tactics in mind when they’re up for re-election.” The Asbury Park Press published this warning because the Houser Team distributed the below deceptive flyer on election day in 2006.

** BEWARE of their TRICKS **

Above: Infamous 2006 “P.T.A” Flyer from Houser, Taylor, and Sarno

1) They forged the school’s logo and “Get the Facts” letterhead to make the flyer appear like a genuine school communication.

2) Headline written to deceive stating that it’s a “Note” from “your P.T.A.”

3, 4, & 5) Everything contained in the body of the flyer was a lie--completely untrue statements conjured up to scare parents.

One year later (2007), Sarno resigns shortly after it was discovered that he lied about his college education.

In 2009, Houser and Taylor have replaced Sarno with Rafael Adorno. Just last year, Adorno was "FOUND GUILTY of trespassing on school property." (Asbury Park Press, 4/15/08)

By deceiving the public with this flyer, Robert Houser was able to slip into office by a slim margin of only 31 votes.

PLEASE download the below flyer. Print it out, and pass it along to your friends and neighbors. THANK YOU!!

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