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Monday, April 20, 2009

Incumbent candidates fail basic School Board knowledge test...




1) Answer: 209
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that it’s “600,” however, Dean Allison, Barnegat School’s Business Administrator said in a letter dated 4/7/09 that, “The total number of computers purchased for the 2008-2009 school year were 209.”

2) Answer: $395,000
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that they reduced the 2008-2009 budget by $800,000. However, the town committee ordered the tax levy reduced when the budget failed and Dean Allison, Barnegat School’s Business Administrator said in a letter dated 4/9/09 that, “A reduction in the expenditure budget of $400,000 (actual implemented was $395,000).”

3) Answer: Houser and Taylor
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that Ihnken, Bilker, and Ford have been raising taxes when they’re not even on the Board. However, page 26 of Board minutes from 3/26/08 clearly shows the 2008-2009 vote for Dr. McMahon’s $51 million budget and Houser and Taylor voted “YES.”

4) Answer: Taylor
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that Ihnken, Bilker, and Ford gave Dr. McMahon his new contract. However, page 8 of Board minutes from 1/24/07 clearly shows Taylor voted “YES” for McMahon’s NEW contract. Houser had to abstain because his wife worked for Dr. McMahon, but Houser did tell the Asbury Park Press on 1/27/07 that this NEW contract is a “step in the right direction.”

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Who REALLY gave Dr. McMahon his “$327,000” contract in 2007? Here’s the TRUTH they don’t want you to know...

January 24, 2007: Board minutes and voting record.

Mr. Sarno:I would like to make a Motion to rescind Dr. McMahon’s, the Superintendent, current contract and to issue a new contract as we discussed in closed session.”

Mr. Sarno: Yes
Mrs. Germano: Abstain
Mr. Houser: Abstain
(see Important Note)
Mr. Bernstein: Yes
Mr. Kostka: Yes
Mrs. Taylor: Yes
Mrs. Lally: Yes
Mrs. Mitchell: Yes

IMPORTANT NOTE: Houser had to abstain because his wife worked for Dr. McMahon. However, Houser did comment in the Asbury Park Press on 1/26/07 that this NEW contract is a “step in the right direction.” So, if he could have voted “yes” or “no,” how do you think he would have voted for McMahon’s new contract (his wife’s boss)?

The truth is that Houser, Taylor, and their friends and supporters on the Board voted for Dr. McMahon’s “$327,000” contract. They opened McMahon’s contract and issued a NEW contract. And now Houser, Taylor, and Adorno want you to believe they had nothing to do with it. (Click here to see the Board Minutes from 1/24/07 for yourself.)

PLEASE download the below flyer. Print it out, and pass it along to your friends and neighbors. THANK YOU!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kids first--not politics. Here’s a sample of what we will do...

Bring back Safety Aid Greeters. All were eliminated. We will bring back the Safety Aid Greeters without increasing the budget and think of new strategies to secure our schools. That’s where Gerald Ihnken’s 26 years of law enforcement experience will help. Gerald is the 3rd highest ranking officer in Wall Township and a graduate of the FBI Academy. He knows what we have to do to make the school safe for our children.
Add security to Donahue School. This coming year, there will be no security guard or greeter at the school. This is too risky.
Bring back kindergarten aids. Three were let go, and we believe they are vital--especially in a full-day kindergarten. We will bring them back without increasing the budget.
Get Collins and Brackman back on track. Collins School and Brackman’s special education students have not made Annual Yearly Progress. That’s three failing years in a row for Collins. Kelly Ford has 10+ years experience as an educator, and she has a plan. As a Board member, she’ll be able to work with teachers and administrators because she understands today’s educational challenges.
We have to spend smarter and be more efficient with our dollars. That’s where Scott Bilker can help. Scott has been helping consumers save thousands of dollars for more than 18 years with his books, website, and advice. That’s why The Wall Street Journal, Money, Consumer Reports, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, and Reader’s Digest have called Scott when they need financial advice for their readers.
Facility usage should be free. Over the past few years, the Board has started charging community groups like the Mirage Players, and even our own students, to use facilities for events. We believe that our tax dollars have already paid for these buildings and should be available for approved activities at no additional cost.
Teacher phones at high school. One third of the high school classrooms do not have phones! Teachers need a way to directly communicate with the office to ensure safety. We will get these phones without increasing the budget.
Buy textbooks. The Board decided to lease textbooks. This will cost much more in the long run. The schools should own their books and buy more wisely.
Technology education for the 21st century. Students need more exposure to today’s software platforms. That’s another area Scott Bilker can help. Before writing about consumer finance, Scott spent 11 years as an Electrical Engineer for Navy Lakehurst. As an NJIT graduate, he has a strong background in math, science, computers, and technology, as well as programming in PERL and Javascript and extensive use of Linux, OpenOffice and other open source projects.
School Board meetings in all schools. The current Board holds all meetings at the High School with the Board on stage and public in the audience. Meetings should rotate between all district schools so the public can get a chance to visit and see the work that our students proudly display.

PLEASE download the below flyer. Print it out, and pass it along to your friends and neighbors. THANK YOU!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kids come first

My primary goal, along with my running mates Scott Bilker and Kelly Ford, if elected will be to insure that our children receive the quality education we all expected them to get. This is the reason why many of us have moved to Barnegat. It is a desirable town with an excellent school system. We want to keep it that way. We cannot and will not let the quality of education recede. Our educational standards must increase so our children will be competent when they leave our school system and enter college or the working world. We will insure that our schools provide guidance and direction to our children to help them with their venture into higher education.

We, along with hundreds of parents, have concerns about the safety of our children in our school system. The Safety Aide Greeters have recently been informed that they are going to lose their jobs at the end of this school year. These people are the first line of defense in the schools for our children. The cost savings in eliminating these positions is a matter of pennies compared to the budget as a whole. We need the greeters to be reinstated to their positions. To have the school security guard sit at the point of entry of the school will serve no purpose other than having an expensive "greeter" and really no security guard. The security guard should be free to roam the school and insure the security of our children. Remember, times are much different today than they were when we attended school. Years ago, security was not thought of and really was not necessary; however, recently due to changes in societal behavior, the safety and security of our children must be forethought.

We also have concerns about facility usage. It has come to our attention that youth athletic leagues, scouting organizations, senior citizen groups as well as other non-profit organizations that provide scholarships for graduating students from our school system are being charged some pretty steep fees to utilize the schools. For example, the Mirage players paid nothing to use Barnegat High School for their play two years ago, then they were charged a fee of $1,500 last year and this year they were told it will cost them an astronomical fee of $5,000! Now, what is going to happen to our scouting groups and youth athletic leagues? Will the fees charged by the Board of Education cause these organizations to dissolve? Will the registration fees charged by the youth organizations to offset facility use charges increase so much that parents cannot afford to register children? Will parents take their children to neighboring towns where registration fees may be more affordable? These are OUR schools and OUR youth athletic leagues. Scouting organizations and other non-profit organizations should be permitted to use school facilities without paying any fees as they have done in the past. We are already paying for these facilities with our taxes, why should we pay more?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Setting the record straight

I served on the Board from 2003 to 2006, so I know that it’s a difficult job. I understand that tough decisions are necessary. I only ask that our Board members are honest and fair with the public, both when serving on the Board and when campaigning.

I’m running for the Board this year because I’m tired of the deception and self-interests I’ve seen over the past few years both from the Board and in campaigns. For example, my opponents this year are saying that they had nothing to do with the former Superintendent’s contract and buyout negotiations. That’s false. In January 2007, with Houser and Taylor on the Board, former Superintendent Dr. McMahon’s contract was opened and a new contract created. In fact, Houser told the Asbury Park Press (1/26/07) that the new contract was a “step in the right direction.” Now, they’re saying that I negotiated that contract when I wasn’t even on the Board. Come on! Houser even bragged that he somehow saved money when he paid out $117,000 to McMahon (12/9/08 Board minutes). It’s all on record and in the papers.

They also said that they cut last year’s budget by $800,000. That’s another flat-out lie. Houser and Taylor, voted YES along with Mitchell, Splendorio, Davis, Germano, Kostka, Dorrow, and Lally for Dr. McMahon’s $50+ million budget. That budget was voted down and the town committee, not the Board of Education, ordered the budget to be reduced. The difference between the proposed budget and final budget was $395,000. Again, it’s all on record and Houser, Taylor, and Adorno are hoping people won’t look at the records.

But far worse is that they are trying to deceive parents by misrepresenting what they have done for the children. Much of their campaign this year is based on their claim that they “Purchased 600 new computers in 2008/2009.” Well, we asked Dean Allison, Barnegat Board of Education, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and he said in a letter dated 4/7/09 that, “The total numbers of computers purchased for the 2008-2009 school year were 209.”

These deceptive tactics are why the Asbury Park Press (4/26/06) warned Barnegat that, “The three board members’ ethics are in doubt. Voters should closely watch their actions on the board and keep their last-minute tactics in mind when they’re up for re-election.”

I also have a problem when Board members employ their immediate family members. Incumbent Houser’s wife was recently was moved from part-time to full-time, while three kindergarten aids and nine safety aid greeters were eliminated. I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve that full-time position—I don’t know, I’m not on the Board. What I am saying is that it looks suspicious because there is a conflict of interest. My feeling is that it’s not fair to the Board, the public, and family members, to run for the Board when immediate family is employed by the Board. It may be okay from a legal standpoint, but the downside is that judgment is in question and the family member’s job will be in the spotlight.

Then there’s Adorno. Last year he snuck into the high school during a full school day to “test security.” My son was in school that day and I received that email about an “intruder.” My friends and neighbors were extremely worried to the point of tears and panic. Adorno said it was a “spur-of-the-minute idea” to do this. Well, I don’t believe that someone with that type of reckless judgment and impulsive behavior should be making decisions about our schools and tax dollars.

Now look at their budget. It seems okay from the outside, but it’s the same $50+ million budget that the last Superintendent proposed--and there are hidden fees. For example, the Board is charging our own students and community groups to use school facilities. The Mirage Players are being charged $5,485 to use the high school auditorium. I find this outrageous! The schools are built by our tax dollars and community groups should be able use these facilities for free. Another hidden cost in the budget is textbooks. To make the budget look smaller, the Board is leasing textbooks. Leasing textbooks will be far more expensive for taxpayers in the long run. It’s just like leasing a car, it’s less up front and per month, you don’t own it, and the car is never worth the lease buyout at the end, and that’s when they get you for the big money.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Increase achievement while saving money

I'm a Barnegat mom of children ages 3 and 5 and I have more than 10 years of experience in education. I decided to run for a seat on the Board of Education when I received a letter in the mail about Collins Elementary School being monitored by the state due to failing test scores of our special-education students. I looked on the state Web site and found Brackman Middle School is also now being monitored by the state for the same reason. Advertisement

My son is a part of the special-education population. I have spent the past two years working closely with experts in special education and literacy on improving this same problem in the district for which I work. We have seen a great deal of improvement and have managed to save money at the same time. This is the goal of any district: to increase student achievement and spend the taxpayer's money wisely.

I believe my experience will be an asset to my children's schools. The teachers in our district are some of the best I have seen. With the loss of several central administrators and the dissolution of the assistant superintendent position, our district has a challenging road ahead, but we will rise to the occasion.

In the past there has been hostility between board members My only allegiance is to the children in our schools. I'm asking residents to vote for me, and my running mates Scott Bilker and Gerald Ihnken. Bilker's experience in finance and Ihnken's leadership in law enforcement would be assets to the board. They also share my dedication to moving forward and working together to improve the Barnegat schools. Feel free to contact anytime by email at:

How did the school budget grow from $44 million in 2006 to $50+ million today? Here’s the TRUTH they don’t want you to know...

March 26, 2008: Superintendent Dr. McMahon proposes a $50+ million school budget. Here’s the voting record for that budget:

Mrs. Taylor: Yes
Mr. Splendorio: Yes
Mr. Kostka: Yes
Mr. Houser: Yes
Mrs. Germano: Yes
Mr. Dorow: Yes
Mr. Davis: Yes
Mrs. Lally: Yes
Mrs. Mitchell: Yes

The truth is that Houser, Taylor, and their friends and supporters on the Board RUBBER STAMPED every budget increase since being in office! And this year, with Adorno, they voted YES AGAIN for another $50+ million budget! (Click here to see the Board Minutes from 3/26/08 for yourself.)

PLEASE download the below flyer. Print it out, and pass it along to your friends and neighbors. THANK YOU!!