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Monday, April 20, 2009

Incumbent candidates fail basic School Board knowledge test...




1) Answer: 209
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that it’s “600,” however, Dean Allison, Barnegat School’s Business Administrator said in a letter dated 4/7/09 that, “The total number of computers purchased for the 2008-2009 school year were 209.”

2) Answer: $395,000
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that they reduced the 2008-2009 budget by $800,000. However, the town committee ordered the tax levy reduced when the budget failed and Dean Allison, Barnegat School’s Business Administrator said in a letter dated 4/9/09 that, “A reduction in the expenditure budget of $400,000 (actual implemented was $395,000).”

3) Answer: Houser and Taylor
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that Ihnken, Bilker, and Ford have been raising taxes when they’re not even on the Board. However, page 26 of Board minutes from 3/26/08 clearly shows the 2008-2009 vote for Dr. McMahon’s $51 million budget and Houser and Taylor voted “YES.”

4) Answer: Taylor
Houser, Taylor, and Adorno have been saying in their campaign literature that Ihnken, Bilker, and Ford gave Dr. McMahon his new contract. However, page 8 of Board minutes from 1/24/07 clearly shows Taylor voted “YES” for McMahon’s NEW contract. Houser had to abstain because his wife worked for Dr. McMahon, but Houser did tell the Asbury Park Press on 1/27/07 that this NEW contract is a “step in the right direction.”

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